Libraries, Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and iSchool Create Resource Library

Nov. 4, 2021, midnight

Homepage for the Center of Excellence Resource Library with American flag, navigation bar

The Digital Library Program at Syracuse University Libraries, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF), and the School of Information Studies (iSchool) are proud to have launched the Center of Excellence Resource Library(COERL), a digital repository of IVMF research publications on entrepreneurship and selected external content. COERL is the first live site of what will eventually be a digital resource library for all IVMF research publications, collections, and resources. Future iterations will include resources for veteran employment, higher education, and community engagement, among other areas of interest. As a major component of the Digital Library Program, the digital stewardship of these IVMF collections involves applying metadata for user access, tracking the use and access of IVMF materials which are entered in SURFACE, and updating collections per request of the content managers at the IVMF.

“It’s been so rewarding to be part of this cross-campus team,” says Grace “Gigi” Swinnerton, the recently appointed visiting librarian for the Digital Library Program and the IVMF. “Participating in the creation, organization, and maintenance of such a project has given the back-end team unique insight into how we can best serve our veteran community with accessible and meaningful information on the front-end.” 

“The Digital Library Program and the iSchool have both been amazing partners through this whole process from discovery through the build and now into sustainment of COERL,” says Bonnie Chapman Beers, Director of Quality and Innovation at the IVMF. “The collaboration has allowed us to create a portal to make information more accessible to our many stakeholders, veterans, and their families.  We are excited to continue this work together.” 

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