Now Accepting Proposals for 2023 SCRC Faculty Fellows Program

May 3, 2022, 1 p.m.

professor James Watts working with a student behind a table who's wearing white gloves and handling small cuneiform tablets from a box
Religion professor James Watts (right), recipient of the 2019 Faculty Fellow grant, helps a student examine a cuneiform tablet in the Special Collections Research Center.

UPDATED JUNE 24, 2022: The deadline for proposals has been extended to July 1, 2022.

Syracuse University Libraries’ Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) is currently accepting proposals from now through June 24, 2022, for two Faculty Fellows who would like to provide students with an opportunity to handle, analyze and interpret SCRC’s primary source materials in their classes. SU faculty interested in developing or revising a 3-credit course to be taught in the Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 semester from any discipline on campus are encouraged to apply online to be selected as a Faculty Fellow.

The SCRC Faculty Fellows Program supports innovative curriculum development and fosters new ideas about how to transform the role of special collections in university instruction. Each fellow selected will receive a $5,000 payment, hands-on introduction to the collections and ongoing classroom support throughout the semester. Selected fellows will be in residence at SCRC, located on the sixth floor of Bird Library, for four consecutive weeks in the summer of 2023. They will participate in an orientation and various workshop/support sessions, as well as assessment activities related to the program. At the end of the summer residency period, each Fellow will produce a comprehensive course syllabus and annotated list of SCRC materials for class meetings and student assignments. The fellowship payment is rewarded upon completion and receipt of all materials. Additional information about the Faculty Fellows proposal is available online.

The 2022 and 2023 SCRC Faculty Fellows Program was made possible thanks to George Bain G’06, a member of the Library Associates. Original funding for the program was secured through the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, which promotes the advancement and perpetuation of humanistic inquiry and artistic creativity by encouraging excellence in scholarship and in the performing arts, and by supporting research libraries and other institutions that transmit our cultural heritage. The SU Libraries and Library Associates invite gifts to support the SCRC Faculty Fellows Program and this unique opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students at SU. Each $5000 will support a Faculty Fellow for a semester long class. Please contact Ron Thiele, Assistant Dean for Advancement for the Libraries at or 315-560-9419 for information about making a gift.

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