SU Press Celebrates University Press Week 2021

The Syracuse University Press is celebrating the 10th annual University Press Week from November 8 – 12. In honor of University Press Week (UP Week), the Libraries will host a display featuring books from Syracuse University Press. SU Press is also offering a 50% off list price discount on books ordered at using code 05KeepUP through December 1, 2021.
University Press Week presents an opportunity for academic publishers to explore new ways to reach readers, amplify ideas and sustain scholarly communities while remaining steadfast in their commitment to advancing knowledge. This year’s theme for UP Week, meant to celebrate the many ways university press publishing has evolved and excelled over the last decade, is “Keep UP.”
“The Syracuse University Press has kept up over the past ten years by expanding the ways to access our content through offering a wide range of accessible e-publications, MOBI, open access, audio books, and print-on-demand publications. We have launched an accessible website, hosted online author events, and greatly expanded our social media presence. Our focus on leading scholarship is demonstrated in new series that we have launched in the last ten years including: Critical Arab American Studies, Haudenosaunee and Indigenous Worlds, Syracuse Studies in Geography, and Writing, Culture, and Community Practices,” said Alice Pfeiffer, director of the Syracuse University Press.
“Keep UP” is significant in a time when great change has come to all facets of book publishing and the media. For university presses, the past decade has presented opportunities that have allowed these nonprofit publishers to explore new ways to reach readers, amplify ideas, and sustain scholarly communities while remaining steadfast in their commitment to advancing knowledge. To mark a momentous decade of university press publishing and UP Weeks, this year the Association of University Presses’ members are showcasing books, journals, open access reading platforms, podcasts, and other efforts through a “Keep UP Gallery” and Reading List. Syracuse University Press has submitted Nina Shengold’s Reservoir Year for the Gallery and Reading list. Reservoir Year is uniquely available in paperback and as an audiobook, with the audiobook produced in partnership between Syracuse University Libraries’ Sound Beat: Access Audio and Syracuse University Press. “Partnering with SU Press to create audiobooks was a natural progression for us. It aligns with our mission of inclusion and accessibility and bringing important stories to a new listening audience,” said Jim O’Connor, Sound Beat Producer.
There are 159 members of the Association of University Presses, and 20% of that number are presses outside the U.S. Members publish nearly 12,000 books each year and more than 1,500 journals and numerous innovative digital works. Since 1937, the Association of University Presses advances the essential role of a global community of publishers whose mission is to ensure academic excellence and cultivate knowledge. The Association holds intellectual freedom, integrity, stewardship, and diversity and inclusion as core values. Members are active across many scholarly disciplines, including the humanities, arts, and sciences, publish significant regional and literary work, and are innovators in the world of digital publishing.
About Syracuse University Press:
Syracuse University Press, part of Syracuse University Libraries, was established in 1943 and has published groundbreaking and award-winning works such as Jay Dolmage’s Disability Rhetoric, Dewaine Farria’s Revolutions of All Colors, and Michelle Hartman’s Breaking Broken English.
In its eighth decade of academic publishing, SU Press continues to be committed to serving New York State—as well as the region, nation, and globe—by publishing vital scholarship, sharing ideas, and giving voice to important stories that may not have otherwise been told.