Privacy Policy

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Syracuse University Privacy Policy

Syracuse University Libraries' Privacy Policy

Syracuse University Libraries (“Libraries”) are committed to protecting the privacy of all who use their services, in person or online. This Privacy Policy provides information on what the Libraries collect, use and why.

The Libraries provide a vast array of services. Many services do not require users to divulge any information to Libraries staff or systems. Other services require users to provide some information to receive or benefit from the service. All Libraries divisions and personnel comply with New York State law that governs the confidentiality of library records.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, information may be shared with University administration, Department of Public Safety or other officials or law enforcement agencies in cases of suspected criminal activity, bias, vandalism or to protect the welfare of the individual or others, as required or permitted by law.

The remainder of this Privacy Policy provides details about the Libraries’ collection and use of various types of information. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this policy, please contact the Copyright and Information Policy Advisor at


  • “Individual Information” includes personal name, physical addresses (including permanent and temporary residence addresses), electronic addresses (including e-mail, instant messaging addresses or screen names, and VOIP addresses or screen names), telephone numbers, and social security number.
  • “University Information” includes SU ID number, NetID, and any cards or items that include such numbers or identifiers.
  • “Authenticated Services” are web-based services the Libraries provide through the the Libraries' website that require proof that the visitor using the service is affiliated with the Syracuse University community. Authenticated Services – such as those under “My Account” or using databases off campus – may require users to provide University information.
  • “Libraries Website” includes content, files and servers the Libraries manage or control, including, but not limited to, those under the addresses;; and associated or successor websites or portals that manage, display or provide information about the Libraries’ collections or holdings.
  • “Business Transactions” are agreements between individuals or institutions and the Libraries that may have federal or state income tax, trust or estate implications. New York State Law (N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 4509), which outlines the confidentiality of patron records, says in substantive part: Library records, which contain names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of … college and university … shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except that such records may be disclosed to the extent necessary for the proper operation of such library and shall be disclosed upon request or consent of the user or pursuant to subpoena, court order or where otherwise required by statute.
  • “Library records” include information related to:
    • Circulation of library materials.
    • Computer database searches.
    • Interlibrary loan transactions.
    • Reference queries.
    • Requests for photocopies of library materials.
    • Title reserve requests.
    • The use of audio-visual materials, films or records.

The Libraries and its staff comply with New York’s law concerning the confidentiality of patron records.

Details on Libraries’ Information Gathering

The Libraries perform many functions for the University community. This section provides details about the Libraries’ information gathering practices with respect to each service the Libraries provide to patrons.

  1. Browsing the Libraries website: The Libraries collect and store certain information automatically when people browse the website. This information includes:
    - Internet domain (e.g., .edu for educational accounts, .com for commercial accounts).
    - IP address.
    - Type of browser and operating system used.
    - Date and time of access.
    - Pages visited.
    - Referring URL.
    The Libraries use this information to track site usage, monitor site performance and generate aggregate statistics. The Libraries do not record, maintain or track any Individual Information or University Information while visitors are browsing portions of the Libraries website that do not contain Authenticated Services.
  2. Reference: When visitors seek assistance at the reference desk, the Libraries do not require them to provide Individual Information or University Information. However, the Libraries may require a visitor to provide University Information to use the Libraries’ online resources. Also, the Libraries may ask users for Individual Information or University Information to improve or customize online or face-to-face reference services. The Libraries may use information they collect during reference transactions for internal business purposes and to improve the Libraries’ services. Whenever this occurs, the Libraries will use the information in a way that eliminates all Individual Information and strips any personally identifying connectors from University Information.
  3. Libraries Search: When users browse or search the collection, the Libraries collect and store information that is similar to what they collect when visitors browse the Libraries website. If visitors seek to use Authenticated Services within the Libraries Search, they must provide University log-in credentials. The Libraries may use information they collect from the Libraries Search for internal business purposes and to improve services. Whenever this occurs, the Libraries will use the information in a way that eliminates all Individual Information and strips any personally identifying connectors from University Information.
  4. Circulation: The Libraries require all users to provide University Information to borrow materials, including books and laptop computers. The Libraries may use circulation information they collect for internal business purposes and to improve Libraries services. Whenever this occurs, the Libraries will use the information in a way that eliminates all Individual Information and strips any personally identifying connectors from University information.
  5. Interlibrary Loan: The Libraries require all users to provide University Information to borrow materials from other libraries through the interlibrary loan (“ILL”) service. The Libraries may use ILL information they collect for internal business purposes and to improve the Libraries’ services. When this occurs, the Libraries will use the information in a way that eliminates all Individual Information and strips any personally identifying connectors from University information.
  6. Online Resources: When a member of the University community is on campus, that person can access the Libraries’ online resources without having to provide Individual Information or University Information. (This presumes a person already has logged on to the University network, which requires providing University Information.) When a member of the University community is off campus, however, that person will be required to provide University Information to use the Libraries’ online databases. The Libraries may use information that they collect about online database use for internal business purposes and to improve the Libraries services. Whenever this occurs, the Libraries will use the information in a way that eliminates all Individual Information and strips any personally identifying connectors from University Information.
  7. Technology Loan: The Libraries require all users to provide University Information to borrow technology items. The Libraries may use University Information and associated data loan information if users fail to return the items as required by the Libraries' Computer Use Policy and Technology Loan Policy. Whenever this occurs, the Libraries will provide University Information to the Syracuse University Bursar or the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety. The Libraries will also enable tracking software installed on the technology items to identify their location; tracking may include the use of cameras.
  8. Libraries Research Initiatives: To improve service to the community, the Libraries may occasionally conduct survey studies, issue questionnaires or perform other data gathering activities. During these initiatives, the Libraries may ask visitors to provide Individual Information or University Information. In these circumstances, the Libraries consider this information optional; the visitor or user can choose whether to provide this information. Further, a visitor’s decision to withhold Individual Information or University Information from a Libraries employee who is conducting a research initiative will not harm, diminish or otherwise affect the level of service that visitor receives from the Libraries. The Libraries may use information that they collect from research initiatives for internal business purposes and to improve services. Whenever this occurs, the Libraries will use the information in a way that eliminates all Individual Information and strips any personally identifying connectors from University Information.
  9. Business Transactions: Under federal or state law, the Libraries may be required to collect, track and keep Individual Information whenever they conduct a Business Transaction with an individual or institution. In these cases, Individual Information may include taxpayer identification numbers. The Libraries may use information that they collect from Business Transactions for internal business purposes only. Whenever this occurs, the Libraries will divulge Individual Information only to the following parties:
    - University officials who are authorized to handle such information.
    - State or federal taxing agencies upon official, written request.
    - An individual’s duly authorized attorney or estate executor.
    - An organization’s duly authorized representative, upon written request.
    The Libraries retain Individual Information associated with Business Transactions for a period of time mandated by state or federal tax laws and consistent with the University’s data retention schedule.

Social Security Numbers

There is no service the Libraries provide – in person or online – that requires a user to provide his or her social security number. Except for Business Transactions, if a Libraries staff member or affiliated Libraries service (including an online database) requests your social security number, please contact our Copyright and Information Policy Advisor at

Personal Security

Users share in the responsibility for ensuring that their personal information is adequately protected, including University Information. When using the Libraries’ computers, keep University Information secure from unauthorized access by keeping passwords secret. Do not leave the Libraries’ computers unattended while logged in. Always log out of the Libraries’ computers if stepping away.

Links to Other Websites

The Libraries’ websites may contain links to other websites of interest. Once users visit such other sites, the Libraries cannot control the protection and privacy of any information users provide on those other sites. Users should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through our website or write to the Libraries at:

Syracuse University Libraries

222 Waverly Avenue

Syracuse, New York 13244


Updated June 26, 2024