Belfer Classroom

Room 103 in the Belfer Audio Archive and Preservation Laboratory, next door to Bird Library, is available for classroom instruction that makes use of collections in the Belfer Audio Archive or of the Belfer recording studio.
- To request use of the Belfer Classroom, email or (315)443-2697 at least 2 weeks in advance of session date.
- If approved to use the room, faculty will be asked to register with special collections. Instructor will be given an orientation by Special Collections staff on classroom technology and policies/procedures.
- The room may be scheduled between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Requests to use the classroom outside of regular operating hours are subject to approval.
- The room may be requested on a recurring basis if the class involves regular use of special collections material.
- Networked workstations
- SMARTBoard Projection Technology (Touchscreen capable allowing users to highlight and annotate images and text on the screen)
- DVD/VHS Combo and BluRay DVD Player
- 3 Gaming Systems: Xbox, Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii
- PC Computer
- External drives (flash/usb)
- PC and wireless access to Internet
- Turntable
- JBL 7.1 Surround Speaker System
- Denon A/V Receiver/Switcher/Surround Processor
- Wireless Mic System
- Handheld and Lavalier
Due to the special nature of the location of the room, its equipment and the potential use of Belfer Audio Archive Collection within the room, the following rules apply:
- No food or beverages in open containers. Food and drink in open containers must be left outside room or placed in backpack/bag and put in a designated coat room.
- Personal belongings (backpacks/bags/coats) are allowed in the Belfer classroom only when no Belfer collection materials are being used. When pieces from the Belfer collection are being used in the instruction session, all personal belongings should be put in the coat room.
- Writing utensils are permitted only if there are no Belfer Audio Archive collection materials present. When Belfer collection materials are being used, only pencils and loose paper provided by Libraries is permitted.
- Tables/Chairs can be configured in different ways. Arrange furniture prior to collection material being placed in the classroom. When class is finished, return tables and chairs to original configuration.
- Lights will automatically come on when you enter the Belfer classroom. To turn the lights off, press the bottom button on the light panel on the West wall. All lights and equipment must be shut off at the end of class.
- Belfer classroom is adjacent to staff offices and the Audio Preservation Lab. Please keep voices and audio at a reasonable level. If louder than normal volume is needed for a demonstration, please communicate this to the Special Collections/Belfer Staff before the class occurs.
Room Capacity: 25