Sensory Friendly, Reservable, Individual Study Rooms, Bird Library

Available to current SU and ESF affiliated students only.
Intended for individual use only.
Intended for academic and research work only.
Eight rooms available by reservation; two rooms are first-come, first-served at 1st Floor Check Out desk
- Rooms are available during regular library hours.
- Check out period is 3 hours maximum per day.
- Room renewals are not permitted
- Room keys are checked out only to the person who submitted the reservation request. Room keys are at the Check Out desk, Bird Library 1st floor.
- Room keys must be checked out within 15 minutes of the reservation time, or the room may be assigned to another person.
- Students with a block on their library account will not be able to checkout a study room.
- Desk and chair
- Outlet and wireless internet access
- A dimmable lamp, 2 sensory discs, a liquid bubbler and a set of fidget items
- Keys must be returned 15 minutes prior to the library closing.
- There is a 25¢ per-minute fine for late return of keys with no grace period.
- If the key is lost, a $60 replacement fee plus a $15 processing fee will be charged to the user’s account.
- Room doors lock automatically so users should take the key with them whenever leaving the room.
- Immediately report any problems or issues with the room or equipment to staff at the Check Out desk. User may be held responsible for damages if issues are not reported.
- Remove all trash and recycling when you leave; report any cleaning issues the Check Out desk at 315-443-5727.
- Rooms are not soundproof. Please keep noise level down and be respectful of those working nearby.
- Users will be held responsible and charged for any damages, loss, or vandalism to the room. Charges will be added to the student’s bursar account.
- Do not remove any sensory items from the Sensory Friendly rooms.
- The Libraries is not responsible for damage to or loss of any personal property or items left in the room.
- Items left in the room will be taken to the Bird Library 1st floor Security Office.
- All Libraries’ policies apply to use of the Reservable Individual Study Rooms.
- The Libraries reserves the right to revoke privileges for those who do not use the space according to policies.
Room Capacity: 1
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Sensory Friendly Rooms in Bird Library