Small Group Study Rooms, Bird Library

Link to Small Group Study Room Reservation
- Intended for academic and research work only. May not be used for recreational or social purposes.
- Appropriate room usage includes working on a group project, presentation practice, virtual conferencing, job interviews, group research, and group study. Inappropriate room use includes meetings for clubs, teams, fraternities and sororities, watching a video/movie for entertainment, non-academic audio recording or listening.
- Small table and chairs
- Whiteboard; users can check out markers and cleaning spray at the 1st floor Check Out desk
- Internet connection and outlet
- Rooms are available during regular library hours.
- Check out period is 3 hours maximum per group, per day.
- Room renewals are not permitted.
- Room keys are checked out only to the person who submitted the reservation request. Room keys are at the Check Out desk, Bird Library 1st floor.
- Room keys must be checked out within 15 minutes of the reservation time, or the room may be assigned to another group.
- Students with a block on their library account will not be able to checkout a study room.
- Keys must be returned 15 minutes prior to the library closing.
- There is a 25¢ per-minute fine for late return of keys with no grace period.
- If the key is lost, a $60 replacement fee plus a $15 processing fee will be charged to the user’s account.
- Room doors lock automatically so users should take the key with them whenever leaving the room.
- Immediately report any problems or issues with the room or equipment to staff at the Check Out desk. User may be held responsible for damages if issues are not reported.
- Remove all trash and recycling when you leave; report any cleaning issues the Check Out desk at (315)443-5727.
- Rooms are not soundproof. Please keep noise level down and be respectful of those working nearby.
- Users will be held responsible and charged for any damages, loss, or vandalism to the room. Charges will be added to the student’s bursar account.
- The Libraries is not responsible for damage to or loss of any personal property or items left in the room.
- Items left in the room will be taken to the Libraries’ Lost and Found, Bird Library 1st floor Security Office.
- All Libraries’ policies apply to use of the Small Group Study Rooms.
- The Libraries reserves the right to revoke privileges for those who do not use the space according to policies.
Room Capacity: 3