Haft Hall Special Collections Research Center

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squat two story brick building

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Construction Began: April 11, 1955

Building Occupied: October 20, 1955

Dedicated: November 5, 1955

Cost: $170,000

Funding: $60,000 donation from Morris Haft, remainder funded by SU

Named for: Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Haft

Contractor: Harnett Construction Company

Architects: Harry A. & F. Curtis King

Location: 795 Ostrom Avenue

Space: 5,000 square feet

Renovated: 2003

Notes: Until 1992 the two story building was a co-operative living center housing 26 women responsible for their own food preparation, and cleaning and maintaining the building. In the basement were a recreation area, laundry and drying room, storage area, and toilet facilities. The first floor held a living room, dining room, kitchen and two double bedrooms, while the second floor contained ten double and two single bedrooms.

Morris Haft was a retired New York clothing executive. The Hafts also donated living room furnishings in honor of his deceased brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Haft. Dr. Haft had graduated from the College of Forestry in 1913 and the College of Medicine in 1917 and was a member of the medical faculty from 1917 to 1941.

In the fall of 1992 Sigma Kappa sorority rented the building from the University as a residence for their members. A complete renovation of the building in 2003 created the new home for the offices and studios of WAER, SU's public radio station.