Collection Spotlight: ACM Digital Library

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March 24, 2023, 10 a.m.
The Association for Computing Machinery’s Digital Library offers full-text access to ACM’s journals, technical magazines, books, and conference proceedings as well as the broader ACM Guide to Computing Literature database.
word bubble in diamond shape with ACM Digital Library in center

by Brenna Helmstutler, Librarian for the School of Information Studies

The Association for Computing Machinery’s ACM Digital Library offers full-text access to ACM’s journals, technical magazines, books and conference proceedings as well as the broader ACM Guide to Computing Literature database featuring select publishers with coverage from 1908 to the present. ACM Digital Library also includes author profiles, metrics and one-click access to the ACM association website. Topics of the ACM Digital Library content reflect research in computing including the current topics within information systems, data mining and artificial intelligence but also offers applied computing content from education, law and the arts.

ACM Digital Library offers search strategies next to the search area for easy reference. The default search provides results from the ACM Full-Text Collection and can be changed to the ACM Guide to Computing Literature for more results. Additional filtering on the results page can be selected by people, publication or conferences, and content featuring video, software, datasets and author profiles. The results include the citation information as well as metric indicators of when the article was cited in another work and the number of downloads, and publication or search alerts can be set up when new content is available. The impact of works at the author level is tracked and analyzed in the platform. Each author with a publication in the platform has a page profile with their affiliation and indicators such as most frequent co-author, most cited colleague, colleague collaboration, citation counts, download numbers and word clouds for subject areas and keywords based on their works.

Access to ACM’s association website is available by clicking on the ACM logo at the top of any page. This provides even more content such as ACM TechNews, published three times a week, conference announcements, chapters within ACM, and more.

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