150th Anniversary Digital Humanities Showcase

March 2, 2020, midnight

150th Anniversary


Syracuse University will present a Digital Humanities Showcase as part of its sesquicentennial celebrations on March 24 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Peter Graham Scholarly Commons of Bird Library.  A cross-disciplinary and cross-campus effort, the Showcase will include brief presentations of completed projects and in-process work by students, faculty and staff in the Digital Humanities. It will be followed by discussion, demonstration and question and answer with attendees.  Featured presenters include:

“The humanities have been central to life at Syracuse University since its founding in 1870, and our sesquicentennial year is a wonderful time to reflect on the value of humanistic endeavors. In the 21st century university, the humanities have embraced digital tools and technologies for entirely new types of discovery, pedagogy, analysis, and publication, and for rich collaborations between students, faculty members, and librarians,” said David Seaman, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian.

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