ExLibris: major data migration and systems update, February 8, 2019

On Friday, February 8 at 8:00 p.m., ExLibris, which powers many of the links for our Summon search system and many of our eResources, will be undergoing a major data migration and systems update. During this time, many of the links to our electronic resources may be temporarily inoperable—including links within Summon and our Classic Catalog, many of our eJournals and eBooks, and the SULinks to full-text content within many of our databases. This downtime is anticipated to last for up to 24 hours.
During this downtime, patrons can still access our electronic resources through other areas within the library’s website that will not be directly affected by this update. Some of these include:
- Our Databases A-Z listing, which provides direct access to 500+ research databases on a wide range of subject areas. For databases covering a wide range of interdisciplinary subject areas, patrons can also refer to some general and interdisciplinary databases such as JSTOR and ProQuest.
- Our Research Guides, which provides recommendations on research databases, tools, and helpful resources for a wide variety of academic topics and specific courses. These guides have been especially created by your friendly librarians.
Thank you for your patience during this anticipated downtime. If you have any questions or need any assistance, library reference staff will be available to help.