Biblio Gallery exhibit featuring Sunyoung Lee

A mixed media exhibit entitled Stuffed Letter by Sunyoung Lee is currently on display in the Biblio Gallery on the 4th floor of Bird Library. Lee is a third year M.F.A. candidate in the Painting program at the College of Visual and Performing Arts.
In describing the exhibition, Lee says:
"A human life is like a letter in an envelope. If a life is a huge, empty canvas, every bright moment can be considered a picturesque letter that contains colors, impressions, feelings. Like a letter, sealed in an envelope, it waits to be read by someone. My painting reveals my heart to the viewer; at the same time, it shows the viewer his or her own heart. Painting is a letter that performs the synthesis of all visual languages. These paintings were inspired by a literary work, but here that work is expressed without words. There are no letters, but one can feel the contents of letters. These paintings juxtapose content and form, meaning and meaninglessness, and signifier and signified to illustrate the contemporary human condition. Themes about humanity seem to be romantic, timeless, age-old relics. Post-modern art, arousing and instant, connects one with these themes. The zeitgeist (spirit of the times) yearns for a Renaissance (rebirth). It is this Renaissance that is needed for post-modern people who crave humanity."
The exhibit will be on display through May 13, 2018.
For more information about exhibiting in the Biblio Gallery, contact Ann Skiold at or the Biblio Gallery exhibition submission..