Libraries Announces Promotions, July 2019

Syracuse University Libraries announces several promotions effective July 1, 2019:

- Anita Kuiken, associate librarian for Falk College, has been granted permanent status.

- Sebastian Modrow, curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts in the Special Collections Research Center, has been promoted from senior assistant librarian to associate librarian with permanent status.
- James Meade, audio preservation engineer with the Belfer Audio Laboratory and Archive, has been promoted from senior assistant librarian to associate librarian with permanent status.

- Vanessa St. Oegger-Menn, assistant University archivist and Pan Am 103 archivist with University Archives, has been promoted from senior assistant librarian to associate librarian with permanent status.

- Anne Rauh, collection development and analysis librarian and interim Head of Collections, has been promoted from associate librarian to librarian, the Libraries’ highest rank.

- Scott Warren, associate dean for Research and Scholarship, has been promoted from associate librarian to librarian, the Libraries’ highest rank.
“These promotions provide an opportunity for the University to recognize the long-standing academic and research contributions of our librarian professionals,” said David Seaman, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian.
Recommendations for promotion are brought forward to the Dean of the Libraries by the Libraries’ Promotion Committee. They are then reviewed and approved by the Provost.