Food for Fines runs December 11-15, 2017

Donate food and reduce your library fines!
The libraries of SU and SUNY-ESF will once again be participating in “Food for Fines” from December 11-15 by collecting food for the needy and offering patrons the opportunity to reduce their overdue fines.
For each healthy, nonperishable food item donated by an individual during those dates, his/her regular, overdue circulation fines will be reduced by $1–Interlibrary loan fines and lost book fees are not included.
Participating libraries include Bird, the Carnegie Library, the SUCOL Library, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, the Architecture Reading Room, and ESF’s Moon Library.
Donations may be brought to the circulation desks of affiliated libraries. Students, faculty, and staff without current fines may also contribute.
All food items will be donated to the Food Bank of CNY.
For more information about “Food for Fines,” please contact Laura Benjamin at