Digital Library Program and SCRC: Building the Latin American 45s Collection

Sept. 8, 2020, 8 p.m.

Latin American 45 records with yellow, blue, white, red and green covers over rainbow overlaid Latin American flags

Syracuse University Libraries’ Digital Library Program will host a virtual event on Wednesday, September 23 at 4 p.m. EST to discuss how it is partnering with the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) to build the Latin American 45s digital collection. Through cross-department partnerships, the Digital Library Program is providing campus access to the University’s unique digital offerings while promoting their innovative reuse and exploration through teaching and learning.

This virtual event will highlight the challenges around the digital stewardship of rare and unique materials and share examples of current projects, including a multi-year effort to digitize, describe, and preserve the Bell Brothers Collection of Latin American and Caribbean Recordings, due to be released for the campus community as a stand-alone digital collection through a newly designed portal in Fall 2020. The virtual event will include a behind-the-scenes look at SCRC’s Belfer Audio Laboratory and Archive, home to the first studio ever designed solely for audio preservation.

The Digital Library Program comprises an interdisciplinary team of professionals from across the Libraries who come together to commit their time and talent in spearheading a variety of digital initiatives that spotlight the richness of the Libraries’ myriad collections and enhance the Libraries’ campus partnerships.

This program is the first in a series about the Digital Library Program and how it engages with partners and colleagues to bring the University’s hidden, unique content into the digital light. The program is open to the public. Advance registration is required by emailing with your name and email. The Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior.

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