Potential Additions to the Principal Collections, February 2018
Syracuse University Libraries welcomes feedback about the following resources for which we currently have trial access during February 2018. Faculty, staff, and student feedback is an important part of our evaluation process and we welcome your comments, particularly about how a specific resource would support your research and/or the curriculum of your school or college. Send feedback to the collections team at colls@syr.edu. Please be aware that we are exploring these resources for future consideration, and there is no guarantee that we will be able to subscribe, especially within a specific timeframe.
American Politics in the Early Cold War: Truman and Eisenhower Administrations, 1945-1961 is available from the ProQuest History Vault through February 23 and includes documents from the Eisenhower and Truman administrations, including White House files, Cabinet meeting minutes, as well as Eisenhower and Truman diaries and more.
American Politics and Society from Kennedy to Watergate (1960-1975) is available from the ProQuest History Vault through February 23. It includes documents from the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, Aeronautics and Space Reports, 1958-1984; White House files on the citizen’s Advisory Council on the Status of Women, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights documents, EPA records, FBI Files on the American Indian Movement and Wounded Knee, and more.
Vietnam War and American Foreign Policy, 1960-1975 is available from the ProQuest History Vault through February 23. To explore, connect via the trial link and select International Relations and Military Conflicts. This resource includes items from the Records of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam, U.S Armed Forces in Vietnam, Records of the U.S. Marine Corps in the Vietnam War, and the Vietnam Documents and Research Notes Series.
Confederate Military Manuscripts and Records of Union Generals and the Union Army is available from the ProQuest History Vault through March 2. To explore, connect via trial link and select Southern Life, Slavery, and the Civil War. Includes Confederate Military Manuscripts from the Virginia Historical Society and records from the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, Louisiana State University; the Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin; and the University of Virginia. The documents included range from administrative to personal.
American Jewish Newspapers is available from ProQuest through March 2. This resource provides page image access to American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger (1857-1922), Jewish Advocate (1905-1990), American Israelite (1854-2000), Jewish Exponent (1887-1990).
Religious Magazine Archive is available from ProQuest through March 2. It includes citations and articles from eight religious magazines from the 19th-21st centuries The titles are The Advent, America, American Theosophist, BR, Catholic World, Islamic Horizons, Plain Truth, and Quest.
You may view the complete list of trials available from ProQuest.
Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration & Cultural Exchange by Adam Matthew is available through March 1. This resource provides access to primary source manuscripts, maps, and visual resources covering advertising, production, commerce and other topics in relation to key commodities such as chocolate, coffee, cotton, silver, timber, wheat, and more.
Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers is available through March 2. It contains biographical information about key figures in history of thought and philosophy from Britain, Ireland, the Middle East and North America.
Music:)Ally is available through February 28. It provides access to news and analysis about the online music industry – technology, marketing, trends, and more.
China Comprehensive Gazetteers from East View is available through February 28. Produced in conjunction with the National Library of China, this database presents a vast collection of Chinese local gazetteers spanning eight centuries 1229-1949.
Please note: Limited on-campus access to these resources are provided by the vendors for the purpose of evaluating their usefulness and potential value to the SU community. Please see the SU Libraries policy on access to licensed resources.